is now in its 149th year of serving its membership & community;
includes over 750 members in Southern California's Inland Empire and the High Desert;
provides California State Bar certified Lawyer Referral Services for clients needing legal representation;
provides free legal assistance to the victims of natural disasters;
provides attorney-client fee dispute resolution through the California State Bar program;
provides monthly MCLE programs for no or low cost to our members;
provides topical Bench-Bar Symposia discussing court issues in Family Law, Civil Litigation, Probate Practice, and Criminal Practice;
provides unparalleled collegial opportunity through Bar service, educational programs, recreation, and travel;
supports tomorrow's lawyers through the John Lewis King Scholarship Program
impacts the profession through State Bar resolutions that concern lawyers and the law;
Recognizes professional excellence and integrity with its Awards Programs:
Kaufman/Campbell Award for judicial excellence
Florentino Garza Fortitude Award for personal strength and courage
George Porter Criminal Trial Attorney Award for exceptional career accomplishments
John B. Surr Award for professional accomplishment
Kearney-Nydam-Shouse Award for exemplary service to Legal Aid