The 2020 John Lewis King Scholarship has been put on hold until further notice. Should the board decide to offer the scholarship there will be an announcement on this page.
John L. King
John Lewis King Memorial Scholarship Fund
Celebrates 50 Year Anniversary in 2018
On June 14, 1968, the John Lewis King Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Hollis G. Hartley, Russell Goodwin, Waldo Willhof, Stanley Mussell, Jr., and Florentino Garza, to honor the memory of San Bernardino attorney John Lewis King (who is profiled in the July-August 2014 issue of our bar bulletin). Attorney member Bruce Varner did most of the incorporation legal work. This nonprofit organization is the instrument by which needy and worthy law students from the Inland Empire receive scholarship grants on an annual basis. In its 50 years, the fund has awarded 106 scholarships (listed below) from its inception through 2018. Several students have received two scholarships, over a two year period.
Each spring, a news release is sent to selected law schools in the State of California. The newsletter provides very simple rules for application. The Board of Directors usually selects the recipients from among the applicants by September of that year. The amount of the scholarship grants have varied from time to time; from $1,000.00 to $7,500.00 per grant.
The Board of Directors include longtime board members Thomas B. Ritchie, Robert L. Vines, Gary W. Smith, and Hon. Jeffrey King; and newer board members Justin King, William Shapiro, Michael Scafiddi and Michael Rasch, Jr. The current SBCBA President is an ad hoc member.
The San Bernardino County Bar Association has been most supportive of the work conducted by the John Lewis King Scholarship Fund. The scholarship(s) is normally awarded at the San Bernardino County Bar Association's Installation Dinner in October.
The next Scholarship year will be 2020. The Board is concentrating on fundraising during the 2019 year.
2018 Cindy Muro
2018 Desi Adeleke
2018 Myla Razel Sarmiento
2017 Elda Rosales
2017 Vincent Sbardella
2016 Andrea Swanson
2016 Alanna Reichle
2015 Jessica Darling
2015 Linda Guzman
2014 Youmyla Fleming
2014 Kevin King
2007 Stephen Siringoringo
2007 Justin King
2006 Jamie Helen Whitelock
2006 Lisa Sofio
2006 Tracy M. (Gavrilov) Owens
2005 Jonathan Lewis King
2005 Nicholas Firetag
2004 David Colella
2004 Maria Isabel Cesanto
2004 Meliah Thomas
2003 Michael E. Vines
2002 Bethany A Aseltine
2002 Leah Larkin Dixon
2001 Carmen Graham (Leehang)
2001 Yvette Martinez
2000 Wendy Rochelle Ward
2000 Jill Vines Beckett
2000 Kirsten C. Showler
2000 Tara Kowalski
1999 Shauna Albright
1999 Elizabeth Bawden
1998 * Shauna Albright
1998 * Elizabeth Bawden
1997 Paula Ann Clarkson
1996 Paula Ann Clarkson
1996 *Neil B. Shouse
1996 *Christopher M. Alexander
1995 *Neil B. Shouse
1995 Charles J. Wilson
1995 James C. Rutten
1995 * Christopher M. Alexander
1994 David Jay Hesseltine
1993 Darin Everett Brawley
1993 James P. Morris
1993 Sharon L. Carey-Stronck
1993 Omar Sandoval
1992 Stephen Robert Holden
1992 Rachelle Anne Younger
1991 Holly A. Stuck
1991 Denise Rupard
* Awarded twice
1990 Julie Rozanne Krohne
1990 Tim W. Brown
1990 Myrle Petty
1989 Edward E. Simons
1989 Timothy P. Prince
1989 Thomas D. Skowronek
1988 David A. Prentice
1988 Kathleen N. Rager
1987 James N. Cover
1987 Christopher Dodson
1987 * Kathy Lynn Hibbs
1987 Russell R. Arens
1986 Russell R. Arens
1986 Mark Kindall
1986 * Kathy Lynn Hibbs
1985 Gregory L. Zumbrunn
1985 Catherine M. Brame
1984 Karen Glick
1984 James R. Selth
1983 * Lori E. Huff
1983 Olga Gonzales
1983 Anthony R. Gordon
1982 * Lori E. Huff
1982 Scott Thomas Tropio
1982 Scott Steven Slater
1982 Alan J. Amico
1981 Lou Ann Merritt-McLean
1981 David L. Edwards
1980 Kevin W. McGurty
1980 Michael Krahelski
1980 Claralou LaBarge
1979 William B. Bennett
1979 Timothy Young
1978 Robert P. Fahrendorf
1978 Jesse P. Martinez
1977 Gary W. Smith
1977 William D. Pettersen
1977 * Kim Cheatum
1976 * Patrick B. Nolan
1976 * Kim Cheatum
1975 * Kevin R. Culhane
1975 * Patrick B. Nolan
1974 * Kevin R. Culhane
1974 John R. Budnik
1973 Benjamin Y. Gonzales
1973 James W. Sweeney
1972 Mark A. Ostoich
1972 Alfred R. Palazzo
1971 Lawrence Mortorff
1971 Mary E. Fuller
1970 Moses R. Luna
1970 William M. Wardlaw
1969 Carl S. Blick
1968 Elliott Lisnek