BECOME a member
Membership in our Bar
The SBCBA is your professional association and the center of San Bernardino’s dynamic legal community. Our organization provides a wide array of programs, services and events to meet the needs of your profession and individual practice. Your membership gives you access to education, leadership opportunities, and many ways to expand your practice and serve your community.
All legal professionals are invited to join us: attorneys, paralegals, librarians, office support staff, Judges and court staff, and attorney service providers
Membership Benefits
As a SBCBA member you will enjoy the following benefits:
Eleven issues of the San Bernardino County Bar Association’s Bulletin published each year to update you on legal matters at the County, State and Federal levels. Free Classified ads for members.
FREE MCLE General Membership Monthly Brown Bag MCLEs held each month with keynote speakers at no cost. SBCBA is a certified provider for MCLE programs.
DISCOUNT MCLE: Annual Bench-Bar Symposia coordinated by the Civil, Criminal, Probate, and Family Law Sections of SBCBA.
MCLE Umbrella Programs. JBC Inn of Court, IEEPC, HDBA, and others.
FREE access to SBCBA Online Law Library
Social gatherings throughout the year: Installation of SBCBA Officers Dinner, Baseball Social, Casino Night, Kaufman-Campbell Award Banquet, and our Annual Golf Tournament.
Involvement in a variety of legal entities, including, Lawyer Referral Service (LRS), Fee Arbitration Services, Inns of Court, the Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino, and Bridging the Gap for new California State Bar admittees.
Reduced (up to 30%) prices for display advertising in the Bulletin.
Free and discounted conference room rental rates.
NEW BENEFIT! Educational discount program for the University of Redlands
School of Business Programs
SBCBA members, employees, spouses and domestic partners of members and employees shall receive the tuition discount of 15% for programs offered at any of the Redlands regional campuses and 20% for programs offered by the School of Business and delivered on-site at MOU Partner facilities.
School of Education Programs
SBCBA members, employees, spouses and domestic partners of members and employees shall receive the tuition discount of 10% for programs offered at any of the Redlands regional campuses and 15% for programs offered by the School of Education and delivered on-site at MOU Partner facilities.
School of Continuing Studies Certificates & Workshops
SBCBA members, employees, spouses and domestic partners of members and employees shall receive the tuition discount of 10% for corporate-sponsored programs offered by the School of Continuing Studies.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fees are charged according to the University of Redlands Catalog in effect at the time of the student’s enrollment. Tuition and fees are subject to change.