Join Us
All legal professionals: attorneys, paralegals, law office staff, bench officers, court staff, law students, and affiliate attorney service providers are welcome to join the SBCBA.
Membership Dues
VOTING MEMBERS - Voting members may hold office within the SBCBA.
$100.00 for attorneys admitted more than 1 year
$25.00 for attorneys admitted for 1 year or less
SENIOR MEMBERS: Active or retired attorneys who are 70+ years of age and have been members of San Bernardino County Bar for preceding 25 years.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Attorneys other than San Bernardino County lawyers.
AFFILIATE MEMBERS: Legal professionals, paralegals, law librarians, legal secretaries, court staff, attorney service providers.
$30.00 for current members of the Inland Counties Association of Paralegals (ICAP)
HONORARY MEMBERS: Active or retired Bench Officers who are not currently paying State Bar Dues.
LAW STUDENT MEMBERS: Currently enrolled law students.
Your Annual Dues-Year begins on your join-date.