The High Desert Bar Association
A subdivision of the San Bernardino County Bar Association
HDBA President’s Gavel recognizing past and current Presidents of the High Desert Bar Association.
2024 Board of Directors
Kerrie Justice—President
Russell Kiner—Vice President
Shelby Phillips—Secretary
Kyle Wooldridge—Treasurer
Sharon Brunner—Director at large
Diana Carloni—Director at large
Kierre Coghill—Director at large
Diana Spidall—Director at large
Brandon Wood—Director at large
Deena Pribble—Director at large
Barbara Schnier—Director at large
Hon. Candice Garcia-Rodrigo—Director at large
Heather Hinton—Director at large
Heather Lewis—Family Law Liaison
Shelby Phillips— Probate Liaison
Justin King—SBCBA Liaison
Parag Shah—Criminal Liaison
TBD—Civil Liaison
“The purpose of the High Desert Bar Association is to encourage its members to strive for the advancement of the administration of justice according to law; to foster and maintain, on the part of those members engaged in the practice of law, high standards of conduct, integrity, learning, competence and public service; to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion of jurisprudence, and of legal reform; to carry on and maintain a program of continuing legal education in the fields of substantive law, as well as practice and procedure; to encourage practices that will advance and improve the honor and dignity of the legal profession and of the judiciary; to foster, maintain, and improve communication among the members of the Association, the judiciary and the public; and to accomplish all of the foregoing to the end that the responsibility of the legal profession and the individual members thereof may be more effectively and efficiently discharged in the public interest.”
Please provide any comments, questions, and concerns to the High Desert Bar Association by email to Kerrie Justice: kerrie@justiceforu.com; phone: (760)955-9746; or mail: HDBA, 15427 Anacapa Road - Victorville, California 92392
Our bylaws may be found HERE. Visit our Facebook page!